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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of PIZ, HQX, PK2, PK4, PKD, PKD, PKD, PLF, POD

File Type:Renamed zip file
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:File extension is used by some anti-virus applications or e-mail attachment software to protect before attacking software or viruses. Rename file extension to .zip and unzip with unpacking utility.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

WinRAR benefits:

Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.

WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.

WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.

When you purchase WinRAR license you are buying a license to the complete technology, no need to purchase add-ons to create self-extracting files, it's all included. One price, one payment, once.

You also receive the benefit of a life-time use of the WinRAR archiver. No upgrade fee to pay. When a new release is made, simply download and install, your license is valid for life.

WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.

WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.

WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.

WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.

Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.

WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.

File Type:BinHex archive format, orig. Macintosh
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:The BinHex format was created to satisfy two specific needs. First, to allow transferring binary files (therefore coded on 8 bits) sent on the Internet, whose pipes are not always "8-bit clean". This means that there must be some sort of mapping between a 8-bit stream and a 7-bit stream. Secondly, to bundle in a single container both forks composing a Macintosh file. Last but not the least, the author, Yves Lempereur, added a compression function, of the RLE type, to avoid sending repetitive sequences of identical characters.

Open Programs:

The Unarchiver

Company / developer:
  Dag Ågren/WAHa.06x36

The Unarchiver

The Unarchiver is a much more capable replacement for "", the built-in archive unpacker program in Mac OS X. The Unarchiver is designed to handle many more formats than BOMArchiveHelper, and to better fit in with the design of the Finder. It can also handle filenames in foreign character sets, created with non-English versions of other operating systems. I personally find it useful for opening Japanese archives, but it should handle many other languages just as well.

It is very simple to use and install - simply copy it into your Applications folder or whereever you prefer, and then set archive filetypes to open using it. This can either be done the usual way, or by double-clicking the icon to show The Unarchiver's preferences.

Supported file formats include Zip, Tar-GZip, Tar-BZip2, Rar, 7-zip, LhA, StuffIt and many other more or less obscure formats

File Type:XS game file
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:Game archive contains game files (maps, graphics, music, sounds, textures) for XS.
Open Programs:

Dragon UnPACKer

Company / developer:
  Alexandre Devilliers

Dragon UnPACKer is a game archive (Quake PAK, etc..) unpacking tool. It is plugin based making easier to add new archive file formats.

Dragon UnPACKer has a convert ability and raw search function for known material (audio, video and pictures).

Dragon UnPACKer gives you the possibility to see into the big files in games like Quake, Unreal ...etc and extract files to anywhere you want easily.

Dragon UnPACKer can also convert some formats to more common formats.

File Type:Railroad Tycoon 3 packaged graphics
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:Archive file contains Railroad Tycoon 3 graphics files.
Open Programs:

Railroad Tycoon 3

Company / developer:
  Gathering of Developers

5 years after its predecessor, Railroad Tycoon 3 offers you the opportunity to build your own railroad empire, this time in full 3D. The most adventurous tycoons may even try to become wealthier than their competitors online. The game still revolves around the three key aspects that were featured in Railroad Tycoon II.

File Type:Amiga PackDev disk archive
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:File extension is used by Amiga PackDev.
Open Programs:

The Unarchiver

Company / developer:
  Dag Ågren/WAHa.06x36

The Unarchiver

The Unarchiver is a much more capable replacement for "", the built-in archive unpacker program in Mac OS X. The Unarchiver is designed to handle many more formats than BOMArchiveHelper, and to better fit in with the design of the Finder. It can also handle filenames in foreign character sets, created with non-English versions of other operating systems. I personally find it useful for opening Japanese archives, but it should handle many other languages just as well.

It is very simple to use and install - simply copy it into your Applications folder or whereever you prefer, and then set archive filetypes to open using it. This can either be done the usual way, or by double-clicking the icon to show The Unarchiver's preferences.

Supported file formats include Zip, Tar-GZip, Tar-BZip2, Rar, 7-zip, LhA, StuffIt and many other more or less obscure formats

File Type:Top Secret Crypto Gold compressed file
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:File extension is used by Top Secret Crypto Gold. Compressed file.
Open Programs:

Top Secret Crypto Gold

Company / developer:
  TAN$TAAFL Software Company

Top Secret Crypto Gold

Top Secret Crypto Gold includes Top Secret Chat and Top Secret Journal, along with file and e-mail encryption. Includes the Sentry Spell Checking Engine for spell checking of your e-mail, journal, and chat messages. Conduct an encrypted peer-to-peer, computer to computer, secure chat over the Internet. Maintain an encrypted journal, or diary, of you daily thoughts, ideas, notes, etc. Free for personal private use. Commercial use requires an inexpensive license. Five new spell checking dictionaries: Danish, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Now easy to use with any e-mail program including Yahoo! Mail, MSN Hotmail, Gmail, IncrediMail, or FoxMail. Visit the new support forum to get your questions answered. Select from 180 different smileys that can be inserted into your e-mail messages, journal entries, and chat sessions. Insert pictures into your e-mail messages and journal entries. Use the Virtual Keyboard that protects against keyboard logging and password sniffing programs to enter your passwords and pass phrases. Top Secret Crypto Gold includes RSA Key Creation, Public and Secret Key Ring Management procedures, data compression procedures, e-mail and file encryption procedures, One Time Pad Key File and True One Time Pad File creation, a completely customizable toolbar with 47 toolbar buttons, and you can create and print "One Time Pads" for use in secure hand written correspondence. The strength of Top Secret Crypto Gold rests on three basic concepts: 1. a true source of random bits which is provided by the program, 2. a very large key space for the pseudo random number generators, and 3. a simple encryption formula. The RSA key sizes range from 480 to 16,384 bits, and the conventional key sizes range from 325 to 20,262 bits, or just is long as the entire message if you are using a True One Time Pad File to encrypt with.

File Type:Turbo Pascal DOS compressed batch file
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:File extension is used by Turbo Pascal DOS version. Compressed batch file.
Open Programs:

Turbo Pascal

Company / developer:
  Borland Software Corporation

Turbo Pascal

Turbo Pascal is a complete software development system that includes a compiler and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Pascal programming language running under CP/M, MS-DOS and CP/M-86, developed by Borland under Philippe Kahn's leadership. The name Borland Pascal was generally reserved for the high end packages (with more libraries and standard library source code) while the original cheap and widely known version was sold as Turbo Pascal. The name Borland Pascal is also used more generically for Borland's dialect of Pascal.

File Type:PatchLink Patch Developers Kit exported patch archive
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:File extension is used by PatchLink.
Open Programs:

PatchLink Developers Kit

Company / developer:

PatchLink Developers Kit

PatchLink Developers Kit is a powerful security content development application that allows you, in conjunction with PatchLink Update, to respond to the growing number of threats that target hardware and software configuration errors, or software vulnerabilities for which there is not a publicly available patch.

File Type:Holy Games 2005 game archive
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:Game archive contains game files (maps, graphics, music, sounds, textures) for Holy Games 2005.
Open Programs:

Dragon UnPACKer

Company / developer:
  Alexandre Devilliers

Dragon UnPACKer is a game archive (Quake PAK, etc..) unpacking tool. It is plugin based making easier to add new archive file formats.

Dragon UnPACKer has a convert ability and raw search function for known material (audio, video and pictures).

Dragon UnPACKer gives you the possibility to see into the big files in games like Quake, Unreal ...etc and extract files to anywhere you want easily.

Dragon UnPACKer can also convert some formats to more common formats.

File Type:Bloodrayne archive file
Category:Archive and compressed file
File Description:File archive contains Bloodrayne files (maps, objects, sprites, sounds).
Open Programs:

Dragon UnPACKer

Company / developer:
  Alexandre Devilliers

Dragon UnPACKer is a game archive (Quake PAK, etc..) unpacking tool. It is plugin based making easier to add new archive file formats.

Dragon UnPACKer has a convert ability and raw search function for known material (audio, video and pictures).

Dragon UnPACKer gives you the possibility to see into the big files in games like Quake, Unreal ...etc and extract files to anywhere you want easily.

Dragon UnPACKer can also convert some formats to more common formats.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC